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Friday, February 19, 2010

Modern Art

Avan-garde, Modernism, Postmodernism
Matisse, Fauvism as a style began around 1900 and continued beyond 1910, the movement as such lasted only three years, 1905–1907, and had three exhibitions. The leaders of the movement were Henri Matisse and André Derain.Primitivism: In visual art, there are several meanings to the term primitivism. One use refers to art by either prehistoric or in general non-Western peoples. In this use, such words as primitive or primitivism might appear in quotes. This is to suggest inherent inaccuracy or ethnocentricity. Another type of primitivism is the work done by artists who might be self-taught. "Naive" might be more correct terminology in this instance. Yet a third instance of primitive refers to the borrowing of visual forms from non-Western or prehistoric peoples. An example would be Paul Gauguin's inclusion of Tahitian motifs in paintings. Borrowings from primitive art has been important to the development of modern art.
Cubism;  PicassoCubism is known as a radical step from Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. Using geometric shapes, dark and light shades, and forceful lines, a new type of image was created.
Picasso "Olga Picasso in an armchair" 1917

"Woman Playing the Mandolin" (1909),

Here's the original diagram, created by Alfred H. Barr.


By Joseph Stella (1920-2)

Marcel Duchamp (28 July 1887 – 2 October 1968) was a French/American artist whose work is most often associated with the Dadaist and Surrealist movements.

Marcel Duchamp. Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (1912). Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Mondrian and DE STIJL. De Stijl Dutch for "The Style", also known as neoplasticism, was a Dutch artistic movement founded in 1917.
Pieter Cornelis "Piet" Mondriaan, after 1912 Mondrian (March 7, 1872 – February 1, 1944), was a Dutch painter.

Suprematism; Constructivism
Purism, Precisionism

Dali  "Persistence of Time", 1931
Mexican Muralism (Diego Rivera, José Orozco, and David Siqueiros) is a Mexican art movement that took place primarily in the 1930s. The movement stands out historically because of its political undertones, the majority of which are of a Marxist nature, or related to a social and political situation of post-revolutionary Mexico.
Harlem Renaissance (the New Negro Movement) refers to the flowering of African American intellectual life during the 1920s and 1930s.
Abstract Expressionism
Dubuffet, Fautrir, Klein and nouveau realism
Rauschenberg, Johns
Lucio Fontana and Arte Povera (Argentine-born Italian Arte Povera Sculptor and Painter, 1899-1968) Italian for "Impoverished Art" or "Poor Art", the term Arte Povera was introduced by Germano Celant as a label for a small group of artists who were experimenting with nontraditional and politically charged art.
Piero Manzoni (July 13, 1933 - February 6, 1963) was an Italian artist best known for his ironic conceptual art.

Situationism. The ideas of Situationist International, an international political and artistic movement of the 1950s and 1960s. Adherents vociferously rejected the term 'Situationism'.


Boston Terrier Modern Dog Art by Michel Keck

John Cage, Allan Kaprow and Fluxus
Dada or Dadaism is a cultural movement that began in Zürich, Switzerland, during World War I and peaked from 1916 to 1922. Dada is the groundwork to abstract art and sound poetry, a starting point for performance art, a prelude to postmodernism, an influence on pop art, a celebration of antiart to be later embraced for anarcho-political uses in the 1960s and the movement that lay the foundation for Surrealism.
Postwar German Art
Minimalism, Postminimalism
Earthworks, Process Art and Entropy
Conceptual Art
Body Art

Fiminism, postcolonial art, identity art


  1. Марго, давай добавим к списку дивизионизм (пуантилизм)- Жорж Сера и Поль Синьяк.
    Вчера была в музее им. Пушкина и смотрела оригиналы (!):Ф.Гойя, Э.Мунк, П.Синьяк, Ван Гог (я останусь псом, я буду нищим, но я буду художником), Кеес Ван Донген (испанка!!), В.КАНДИНСКИЙ!, Фернан Леже (невероятные декоративные панно), ШАГАЛ, Эдвард А.Уодсворт!!! А в пятницу будет открытие выставки ПИКАССО!

  2. И, как вариант футуризма, вортицизм. Добавим?

  3. Обязательно. Спасибо! Если понравились какие то полотна особенно, пришли!
