An English, Ukrainian (українською) and Russian (на русском) speaking blog


Friday, January 27, 2023

My art / Mої нові художні роботи / Mои новые художественные работы

Привет, я готовлю к выпуску книгу для детей и взрослых «Сны Кота Бахуса», с оригинальными рисунками, два из которых вы видите сейчас. Помните "Похождение кота в страну Счастливой коровы": или "Летающих баранчиков"? Ниже представленные рисунки завтра отправятся на выставку. Вы можете  приобрести у меня оригиналы или заказать копии. Книга выйдет немного позже. Часть для взрослых, многие из вас уже читали здесь:
Тексты английского варианта для взрослых читайте ниже. А для детей, в английском варианте, начальный текст представлен непосредственно с рисунком.
Hello, I am preparing to release a book for children and adults "The Dreams of Cat Bahus", with original illustrations, two of which you can see now. Remember "The Adventures of a Cat in the Land of the Happy Cow" or "Flying Sheep"? The drawings below will go to the exhibition tomorrow. You can purchase the originals from me or order copies. The book will be released a little later.

Сat Bacchus in the land of dreams.

Hello, my name is Bacchus, or rather Bacchus Semone Artomonium Grey, and you? I am a lucky cat, I have a family. At first, I was a lonely cat. One day I wandered into Lord Grey's garden. Of course, I didn't know Lord Grey, and I didn't know that this was his garden. I was resting under a camellia bush when a man approached me. We looked into each other's eyes and realized that we would be friends. And so it happened. I helped my friend to marry Lady Agni. Lord Grey even wrote a story about this time. But perhaps this story will be more attractive to your parents. But you might like this one.

Now I will tell you about my new friend Sofia, who appeared in our family after the wedding of Lady Agni and Lord Grey. We’ve been friends for three whole years. Later, Baby Dany came into our family. We raised him, and in the end, we became friends too. My new friends are named Lady Adney Mama, and Lord Grey, Papa. They work hard. They start in the morning and end in the evening. They probably love their work very much, just like I do with Sofia and Dany. I always get up first and run to wake Sofia and baby Dany. After all kinds of water procedures I don’t particularly like, we immediately get to work. We play ball and we play with other toys that speak different languages and have something going on inside them all the time. We also sing, run in the garden, climb trees, swing, and swim in the pond. I really do not like to swim, but I enjoy watching butterflies in the meadow. On Saturday and Sunday, Dad and Mom stay at home. Saturday is always fun, we cook delicious food that takes a long time to prepare and is eaten quickly. I do my best to help, especially with eating. Sometimes my family travels. A couple of times I went with them, but then I realized that I prefer to stay at home. Sometime before the birth of Sofia and Dany, I also liked to wander about it, but now I prefer to listen to stories about travel. Sofia and Dany are wonderful storytellers! What dreams I see after each story!
The first Dream - cat Bacchus in the underwater world

Dan and Sofia told me about their adventures on the Red Sea reefs. They went to Egypt with Dad and Mom. This is such an interesting country, there is a desert, a lot of camels and grand pyramids. I also had a dream about Egypt, but more on that later.

What I find interesting is that the sea, however, was not at all red, as I first thought. The sea is blue-green despite the name, and unusual fish live there. Some swell up like a ball, others shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, and others have eyes, the size of snowballs. The seaweeds on coral reefs are like flowers in our garden. I also dreamt of a whale, although there are no whales in the Red Sea, this is a dream and a lot of surprising things happen in a dream. That's why I love dreaming. Do you dream?

Mixed media on canvas. Wooden picture frame. 8"x11"

The second dream - cat Bacchus on an ostrich farm.

Sofia and Dan went to a farm where birds with long necks live. The name of the bird was interesting - the ostrich. They are said to be the fastest-running birds. I don’t understand, if it is a bird, then it has wings, and if it has wings, it can fly. And any bird flies faster than a cat, but cats run faster than birds! But it turned out that ostriches run faster than cats. At first, I didn't believe it! But my friends turned out to be right and showed me their toys with screens that are called computers (a difficult word to say for a cat), and ostriches run competitions. My friends also saw charming baby ostriches. Here is what I saw in my dream.

Mixed media on canvas. Wooden picture frame. 8"x11" 

Story for parents

Dedicated to my friend

The first time I met him was on my estate near Oxford. He was sitting in the camellia garden in a relaxed, elegant pose, looking with its greenish-gray eyes at the birds frolicking in the foliage of an old maple. His entire body expressed pride and independence. I was incredibly surprised at the stranger in my garden, but somehow he fascinated me and I invited him into the house. He agreed.

My father's money, which I inherited, gave me the opportunity to choose a business and a lifestyle that best suited my temperament. Having traveled a little around the world], I settled on my estate and led a closed life, occasionally disturbed by the arrival of relatives or friends, of whom I had very few. Loneliness didn't bother me. My butler, who has served me since childhood, and the elderly gardener were the only creatures that disturbed my daily peace. My friends were my brain, books, and computer. I was engaged in the development of computer programs for the diagnosis of various diseases and they were in demand. So I have fully multiplied the capital accumulated by the efforts of the previous five generations of my ancestors. My father and grandfather were proud of me, although they believed that my logic and intelligence could bring much more to my country if I became involved in politics. I didn't think so.

My mother died when I was very young and I was not accustomed to female warmth. My grandmothers irritated my father and were infrequent visitors in our house, so I grew up surrounded by men, first in the family, and then at Eton. Women's nature was "terra incognita" for me. Women seemed to me unpredictable, too emotional, too sensitive, too unrestrained, and too talkative. From time to time, my friends tried to introduce me to a young lady (I was considered an eligible bachelor), but I was unbearably bored and I tried to retire as soon as possible. Probably, if I had a friend, he could explain to me the peculiarities of the opposite sex, but this was not the case.

And then he appeared. We got close pretty quickly. And soon he settled in my house. The house was big enough that if any of us wanted to be alone, it wasn't hard to find a place. But gradually we got so used to each other that we preferred to spend all our time together. My new friend was an excellent listener, and we understood each other perfectly. If for some reason, I was in a state of excitement or sadness, he always found an opportunity to console me and sincerely rejoiced when I achieved my goals. He didn't judge me and didn't make fun of my way of life. He was absolutely self-sufficient and his self-confidence was gradually transferred to me.

He was much more interested in women than I was, and sometimes he brought girlfriends to the house, but none of them stayed for long. It sometimes seemed to me that my rejection of the female sex was alarming, but he did not focus on this topic.

Every year my father and I were invited to the Ghillies Ball, one of the few social obligations that I was forced to fulfill due to my background. In the world, I was known as an eccentric recluse and many eccentricities were forgiven. This year, I decided to take my friend with me. We had become inseparable. Having received permission from the organizers of the ball, we picked up our costumes and studied etiquette. My friend was surprisingly patient, perhaps more patient than I, in observing all sorts of propriety.

At the appointed time we were at Balmoral Castle. In my opinion, we looked quite decently, at least, most of my acquaintances, who had previously shown me nothing more than attention befitting the moment, showed interest in both me and my companion. He was especially liked by the ladies.

I wasn't jealous, he was certainly more attractive than me. I was about 6 feet, almost colorless in appearance. Probably the only advantage of my face was the good shape and sufficient blueness of the eyes. My character did not speak in my favor. My friend, in addition to the green eyes and ideal figure mentioned above, was the owner of a magnificent mustache, snow-white teeth, and a beautiful baritone. During the dance, we were approached by Lady Adney, who was probably the only woman in all of England whom I did not dislike. Her company entertained me, her manner was not prim, she was a doctor of chemistry despite her young age, and we had common topics of conversation. Besides, she was beautiful. I introduced the lady to my companion, and at that moment ... Oh!, I still remember this moment with shame and great pleasure.

Despite our agreement to be comme il faut, my friend pushed off gently from my shoulder and landed in Lady Adney's arms. His tuxedo pulled up obscenely, revealing hairy legs and a bell-like tail. I froze, not knowing how to behave. But judging by Lady Adney's sweet laugh, my friend's act delighted her. And this ill-mannered scoundrel, forgive me, my Lord, purred treacherously in the arms of the enchanted young lady. Since this, all started. I simply had to get married!, what can you do, I could not undermine the reputation of Bacchus? Yes, my friend's name was Bacchus Semone Artomonium Grey. And now, in addition to my butler, gardener, my wife, and Bacchus, I am thriving In general, I am absolutely happy thanks to my cat. This is true friendship!

Мир в розовом и золотом / Romantic gestures

Silk, canvas. 12"x12"x2"


  1. Уникальные вещи!

  2. Я сначала решила, что это торт такой роскошный. Ан нет, ошиблась. Очень нежная гамма.

  3. Какая прелесть! Молодец.

  4. Талантище!

  5. Совершенству творчества нет предела!

  6. Ти перебуваєш в казці. Неймовірно, зачаровує
